cultivate your growth

We cannot grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally or physically, if we do not cultivate the right internal and external environments to do so.

I think that the best way to explain this idea is by imagining your whole self as a plant, and your higher self – with all of its’ creativity, compassion and divine love – as the flower; the beautiful pinnacle of your being. For a plant to grow and flowers to bloom, the conditions must be optimal. These conditions span from the amount of water and minerals in the soil and the amount of sunlight reaching the leaves to its proximity to other plants. Additionally, the conditions inside the plant must be optimal. For example, the functionality of its food-making mechanisms and the pH level. These basic requirements are essential for the plant to grow, and, when the time is right, for the flower to bloom. It could appear from the outside that a plant has everything it needs, but if below the surface there are deficiencies, it will be unable to flourish. You don’t need me to explain the comparative with us humans; it really is that simple.

The way I see it, this concept is entirely mirrored in human development and progression. There are several things that everyone knows we need to live, however, there are many other components required for us to feel pure contentment on a day to day basis, as well as to become the best versions of ourselves. These components, including self-love, fulfilment, gratitude and forgiveness are, what I would argue, the difference between a life of surviving and a life of thriving. Although you cannot see the things that may be lacking, the impact will be clear. Additionally, the presence of negative features can also have a detrimental effect to our growth. These things, such as stress, lack of self-esteem, jealousy, anger and excessive self-criticism may manifest their effects in a myriad of ways, but it’s safe to say that not a single one would be of any benefit.

It may just be the inherent scientist in me but I find that by drawing parallels between ourselves and the other living beings around us, we are able to see just how uncomplicated our existence really is (or should be). As long as we meet the needs of every aspect of ourselves, we will be fulfilled and satisfied in our lives.

So, having made it this far, I may as well maintain this analogy through until the end; just remember to feed your body, mind and soul, shed the wilted leaves which are holding you back from moving forwards and remove any weeds that may be infiltrating your space – everything else will then fall into place. You have the power to create your optimal growth environment, and you owe that to yourself.

P.S. Remember that a flower doesn’t bloom all year round; you are not obliged to be at your best every single day. As long as you continue to nurture your entire being, from your physical form to your spiritual essence, you will be supporting your long-term growth and journey here on this earth.

Be kind to yourself.

All my love,

Lucy x



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  1. applejam2012 says:

    Send it to grandma and grandpa , they would love this xxx

    So proud of you , you are my inspiration !! Xx

    Alice Newman

    Managing Director, Applejam Ltd.


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